
Lots of useful and interesting information about CHIA, cryptocurrency, farming, the present and future of the crypto industry



Happy Holidays from Chia!

With over 16 seasonal holidays in the second half of December observed around the world, we here at Chia Network feel a desire to celebrate the holidays with everyone in the community as we bring 2021 to a close. We would like to do so in a way that enables us to thank everyone for...

December 21, 2021

Announcing the launch of!

TL;DR We have a new home for Documentation for all things Chia launching today, at! Today we’re excited to announce the launch of our new Chia Docs site! This new site is step one of several in our ongoing efforts to help streamline and clarify our repositories for end-user

December 17, 2021

How Do Hard Drives Fail?

Summary/TL;DR HDDs (hard disk drives) have moving parts and are subject to failure from mechanical wear and tear through regular use, and external environmental factors like temperature. Use SMART to monitor the drive’s health to look for uncorrectable errors and reallocated sectors for indication

December 16, 2021

The CAT’s Out Of The Bag: Chia Releases the CAT1 Standard

A selection of Chia employees’ cats (not to be confused with CATs) We’re excited to announce the release of the CAT1 Standard. This marks the addition of a powerful set of new features to Chia’s ecosystem. We can’t wait to see the creative breeds of CATs our community comes up with! What Ar

November 15, 2021

Chia’s Bug Bounty Program Has Launched with Bugcrowd

We are excited to announce that today our new Bug Bounty program has gone live with the support of Bugcrowd! This program is initially rolling out to a curated list of select security researchers managed by Bugcrowd while we iron out any kinks and get the program up to full speed. After that, Bugcr

October 21, 2021

Chia Joins the Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance

Bram and I are no real fans of the current patent regime around software for a host of reasons. We, however, are realists about needing patent protection to defend ours and other developers’ ability to innovate and use new blockchain related technologies to solve real world problems. That is why t

October 18, 2021

Chia Releases Public AWS Image for Bluebox Timelords

Chia Blockchain – Bluebox Timelord AMI Release We have released a publicly accessible AMI (Amazon Machine Image) for Amazon Web Services. AWS makes it very fast and easy to deploy a Bluebox Timelord to an EC2 instance that you can control and manage in your own AWS environment. Once the image has

October 12, 2021

30 hours to 30 minutes, Chia’s Release Automation Story

On March 17th, 2021, the roughly 15 chia engineers responsible for launching mainnet had just finished the “go, no go” checklist for launching Chia version 1.0.0. For the past several weeks the entire Chia team had been on high alert, working long hours, ironing out the final details that would

October 5, 2021

Chia Token Standard Naming

TL;DR: The Chia token standard is going to be called CAT1 We’re in the process of making a real standard for tokens which will guarantee interoperability for developers who follow it, and it needs a name. In the past we’ve used the term ‘coloured coins’ in our documentation and code to refer

September 23, 2021

Important Version 1.2.6 Information

Version 1.2.6 Released! We’ve released version 1.2.6, which is to address a bug-fix with nodes. While this is technically a bug-fix version, we want to stress the importance of this update being applied to your own nodes, and encourage you to update to it at the earliest convenience. Last week a

September 10, 2021

Chia Joins the Open Compute Project

Targeting a circular economy for storage Chia is excited to announce that we are joining the Open Compute Project to contribute to sustainability in storage. OCP is mainly known for open, modular, and vanity-free hardware that runs hyperscale data centers like Facebook and Microsoft, but OCP 2.0

August 30, 2021

Chia Cultivation Grant Program

TL;DR Chia is launching the Chia Cultivation Grant to invest in independent developers who are looking to create new and exciting tools to benefit the Chia ecosystem at large. Chia Networks is excited to announce the Chia Cultivation Grant program. As we are committed to growing and nurturing the

August 18, 2021

Chia and SSD Endurance – Big Progress, Less Waste

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post about Chia and SSD endurance. The Chia proof of space construction requires a lot of sorting on temporary storage space to make the plot format secure and efficient for quick verification later in farming. The Chia plotting workload is only required to be pe

August 3, 2021

A Vision for DeFi in Chia

In addition to a new consensus algorithm, with Chia we’ve also built a new on-chain programming environment called Chialisp which is just as powerful as Solidity while also being far more auditable, and scalable. It also fosters much better software development practices. As an example of the powe

July 13, 2021

How to Pick a Chia Pool

Knowing how to find a safe, secure, and trustworthy pool is important. There are many pools bidding for your plots, and it is your responsibility to find the best one for you and your needs. Your choice of what pool to join should be carefully researched, not simply based on promises of gold and ric

July 9, 2021

Official Pooling Protocol Launched

TL;DR: The new plot format has arrived. Upgrade to version 1.2.0 of the Chia Blockchain software to start plotting for pools now and be sure to set up a Plot NFT before doing so. Original plots will continue to be self-farmable but can not be safely used in pools. Less than 3 months ago the very...

July 7, 2021

Pooling Protocol Testing Entering Phase 2

Today we are entering the second phase of our testing and roll out of the official pooling protocol. This phase is for pooling operators to test the pooling protocol end to end with testnet bound portable pool plots. Over 9000 lines of new code – much of which is Chialisp – have been written

June 30, 2021

Common Misconceptions, Vol. 1

Chia is a complex system. There is a lot of nuance and technicalities involved in understanding how all the components of Chia work together. Over the last several weeks we’ve seen several misconceptions floating around on social media and Keybase regarding how Chia works. We have compiled the m

June 15, 2021

AMA – Plotting Speed and Security in Chia

With the release of the MadMax plotter there has been a lot of confusion about what improved plotting speeds mean to the security of the Chia blockchain. Bram, Gene, and the team will be available to talk about how improved plotting speed is great, what the actual security considerations for the C

June 13, 2021

Aggregated Signatures, Taproot, Graftroot, and Standard Transactions

In Chia we’re using BLS signatures which enable noninteractive signature aggregation. In this post I’ll explain how that fits into the system as a whole, what practical benefits it provides, and how our ‘standard’ transaction format works, and what taproot and graftroot really are. Explainin

May 27, 2021

Chia and SSD Endurance

Overview of Chia plotting and farming The Chia project is based on proofs of space and time, a brand new Nakamoto consensus allowing for underutilized storage capacity to secure the blockchain. Proofs of space are stored in plot files, where a commonly used k=32 plot is 101.3GiB (108.8 GB, or Gig

May 24, 2021

Chia 1.0 Mainnet

Today we release version 1.0 of the Chia Blockchain. You can go ahead and install it for Windows and MacOS with lots of other platforms supported too. You can continue plotting in 1.0 and otherwise prepare your farm while we wait for mainnet to start. The genesis challenge will be distributed

March 17, 2021

Chia Mainnet Update – March 15

We want to give you an update on mainnet timing and our general plans around the launch. First, as I write this, GitHub Actions is down hard so these plans already have a potential snag to them and are our current best estimate. We want the Chia blockchain to be right and not necessarily right now

March 15, 2021

Farming and Electricity Usage in Chia

Come join a cocktail hour panel Friday March 5 and learn about the most efficient way to farm large quantities of plotted storage and talk about the impact Chia might have in terms of total electrical capacity used to support all Chia farms. 🌱 Joining Bram and Gene will be @xorinox, @st

March 4, 2021

Chia Plotting Basics

Introduction First it is important to know that there are two very different parts of being a Chia farmer. There is creating the plots or plotting and then there is farming the plots. In this post we are going to focus on the process of creating your plots. The types of machines and storage space...

February 22, 2021

Meet the Plotting Experts

Come join a cocktail hour panel with Chia whales^H^H^H^H^H^H experts in plotting. Joining Bram and Gene will be @xorinox, @storage_jm, @kiwihaitch, and @farming101. We will be fielding questions and have some topics that are very frequently asked that we plan to cover in depth. We will aga

February 16, 2021

The Chia Business White Paper

Yesterday evening we released the first version of our Business White Paper. The goal of this document was to go into depth on the transformative impact that programmable digital money is going to have in finance, wealth, safety, digital security, and ultimately the entire concept of trust. Update

February 10, 2021

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